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(406) 388-8387

Equine Diagnostics

In-House Laboratory

With our fully equipped in house laboratory we are able to run complete blood counts (CBCs), fibrinogen, chemistry panels, and electrolytes, urinalysis, clotting profiles, and many others which can be a very valuable tool in late night or a time sensitive emergency.

We also provide manual tests such as fecal egg counts, cytology, lactate, and IgG testing for foals.

In addition to our extensive list of in-house diagnostic capabilities, we partner with many outside laboratories to offer several other tests such as histopathology, cultures and sensitivities, therapeutic drug monitoring, progesterone levels, and Coggins testing for EIA.


Endoscopy is a minimally invasive diagnostic tool used to “look inside” the body using a flexible tube in conjunction with a tiny camera. This gives us the ability to look into the throat and upper airway as well as the urogenital tract. We have the ability to efficiently and effectively diagnose breathing problems, gastric ulcers and urinary problems.


Ultrasound provides high quality images for evaluating tendons, ligaments, joints, soft tissue structures, and ultrasound guided injections.

Digital Radiography

A digital radiograph (x-ray) provides us with high quality, high contrast diagnostic images immediately, reducing stress on our patients. This technology also allows us to quickly share these images with our clients and/or other veterinarians through e-mail or saved data files.

We offer a “farrier series” x-ray which consists of 2 views of both front feet.  Your farrier can use these images to guide their work.  The images will show the internal bony structures of the hoof as well as various angles of the hoof, to support proper shoeing and care.

Please call the clinic today to schedule an appointment for this service.

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Monday & Friday : 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Saturday : 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Call the Vets your Pets would choose!

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