we accept:
(406) 388-8387

Frequently asked questions

You’ll find specific care guides and further information on a number of different topics on this page. Many of the links will take you to our information provider, Vetstreet. If you have further questions, use the contact form at the bottom of the page and someone from the clinic will respond within 48 hours.

Frequently Asked

My pet gets anxious just getting the car!
We offer pre-visit medications to reduce the stress before they get here..
I struggle even getting my pet in the door of a vet clinic.
We offer outside pet exams on our beautiful lawn. We can also do happy visits to help your pet develop a positive association at the clinic.
My pet won’t let a stranger even touch them.
Pre-med visits and gradual interactions with positive reinforcements help us build trust with your pet while supporting your pet’s emotional and physical needs.
I get so nervous about leaving my pet at the vet, not knowing if they will be fearful in my absence.
We begin addressing your pet’s needs from the time you leave your house until the time you pick them up.
My pet is just naturally nervous about everything.
We have solutions to help your pet have a better, more peaceful quality of life.

Canine obesity

Obesity (the storage of excess fat) is usually caused by excessive food intake and insufficient exercise. According to estimates, 40% to 50% of dogs are overweight and 25% of dogs are obese. Obesity is more common in older, less active pets. Dogs that are fed homemade meals, table scraps, and snacks are more likely to be overweight than dogs that are fed only a commercial pet food.
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First aid and your pet

Dealing with an injured pet can be scary and frustrating. In many cases, you don’t know how bad the injury is, and your pet may not be acting normally. If your pet is injured, the first thing you need to do is try to remain calm. If possible, try to determine how severe the injury is, but remember that caution is extremely important when approaching an injured animal. Any pet, no matter how calm or friendly he or she may usually be, can bite or scratch when in pain.
What's in your pet's first aid kit?

Food allergies

Food allergy (also called food hypersensitivity) refers to a type of physical reaction to food. Food reactions are classified into two categories: those that are the result of immune system stimulation and those that are not. Food allergy occurs when the immune system begins to overreact to ingredients that the pet has eaten with no problems in the past. Food intolerance occurs when what is eaten has a direct, negative effect on the stomach and/or intestines, such as spoiled meat, chewed up toys, food additives, and abrupt changes in diet. Food intolerance is not an immune reaction.
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West Nile Virus and your pet

West Nile virus (WNV) is a virus that causes encephalitis (brain inflammation). WNV is usually transmitted to dogs and cats through the bite of an infected mosquito. Some birds, including crows, jays, sparrows, finches, grackles, and robins, are competent reservoirs for the virus (meaning they are able to infect mosquitoes). Some infected birds can shed WNV in their feces and other body fluids. In theory, cats and dogs can become infected through ingestion of (or contact with) an infected bird, but mosquito bites remain the primary route of infection.
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Veterinary Hospital

135 Companion Way
Belgrade Montana 59714
Phone / emergencies:
(406) 388-8387
(406) 388-3409


Call our regular phone number in off hours for emergencies.

Monday – Friday
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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